‘Prince Albert’s Somersetshire Light Infantry, 3rd Volunteer Battalion; D Co., Gentle street.’ (Kelly, 1889)
‘North Somerset Yeomanry (No. 1 Troop, A Squadron); head quarters, Lamb hotel, Christchurch
Street east.’
‘4th Battalion Prince Albert’s (Somersetshire Light Infantry) (D Co.); head quarters and armoury, Keyford street.’
‘Royal Army Medical Corps, 2nd South Western Mounted Brigade Field Ambulance; head quarters & Transport Section, Keyford.’
(Last three references Kelly, 1914)
The drill hall on Keyford Terrace is recorded as extant in the Somerset Historic Environment Record, 2007, record created May 2006.
Than you to John Gallagher for the photograph
Keyford Terrace Drill Hall, 2008